Channel: Typophile - Arabic Typography & Type Design
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تبادل الورد واربح برنامج الخطوط العربية المتحركة


أصدقائي الأعزاء
في حديقة الورد هذه ثلاث وردات ، لكل وردة 16 تويجة
المطلوب: إدخال 96 كلمة ، عربية، أو إنجليزية ، أو ملاوية جاوية ، سداسية الأحرف، حرفا حرفا ، ، حرفا في كل خلية، على طريقة الكلمات المتقاطعة، حتى تنبعث في كل تويجة كلمتان، إبتداء من طرف الوردة، حتى قريبا من قلبها، على / في قوسين باتجاهين : أحدهما باتجاه عقرب الساعة ، وأخرى باتجاه معاكس لعقرب الساعة، أي أن الأحرف الأولى للكلمات ستكون أقرب لأطراف الورود ، والأحرف الأخيرة أقرب لقلب كل واحدة منها
مثال : التويجة الأولى في الوردة الأولى ستقرأ مستدير (مـ سـ تـ د يـ ر) باتجاه عقرب الساعة، ومستطيل (مـ سـ تـ ط يـ ل) باتجاه معاكس لعقرب الساعة، والتويجات الآخرى تقرا: مستحيل ، مستقبل، وكلمات لغوية مختارة قابلة للترجمة بواسطة مترجم گوگل
آخر موعد لتبادل الورد: 12.05.2014
الجائزة: برنامج الخطوط العربية المتحركة
أداة مساعدة http://www.eleqtriq.com/2011/03/css3-text-warping/
سيفوز كل من يتبادل ورد
تحياتي وتمنياتي للجميع بالفوز مع باقات من الورد المحمدي (ورد الجوري)

TamanBunga.PNG260.59 KB
FlowerGarden.pdf532.21 KB

Arabic font recommendations similar to Trajan Pro?


Working on a design task where I need to match the english text which is in Trajan Pro to the arabic text.
Does anyone have any suggestions for an Arabic font that matches the old style serif of Trajan?

Your help is much appreciated, thanks!

Need help in identifying this font.

Arabic glyphs offensive or disrespectful?


I'm currently working on the arabic block of my font and since I don't speak, read nor write arabic language(s), I suddently felt concerned about the design.
I know the way it is written and how glyphs join, etc., give meaning to the words and phrases but, if I take some liberties when drawing the glyphs, could it result in something offensive? Something that could enrage the people using that language? I feel worried about it, very very worried. I mean no disrespect. I never would! That's unthinkable to me! So, if I flatten a curve a little or round it a bit more for it to fit the general design of this font, could it result in something awful? Please help!
This is the first time I try to fill all the blocks of a font and my font has no 45° angles. No straight lines at 45° angles. So I round some segments a little, or straighten them. Could this be a problem for the nature of arabic calligraphy?
Thanks in advance.

VOLT Questions for an Arabic font.


Salaams - 5 years and 39 weeks have passed since a group of us started this typophile special interest group!

I am trying to finalize the OT version of my AlQuds font (started in the 1960s!). Some final problems in VOLT:

1- How to create a lookup for a case when two marks are elevated on top of one glyph at a given height. The first mark shifts up OK but the second one overlaps it. There is a separate lookup for Marks on Marks which works fine when the marks are at their "normal" height above the anchor is there a conflict with that?

2- When typing a mark then another - for example a shaddeh then a fatha I get shaddeh and fatha on top. But when typing the fatha first then the shaddeh, the shaddeh comes out ontop making it shaddeh kasra!

3- Why do mark substitutions not work on the Mac, including ios ipad applications? I have separate glyphs for pairs of marks, and they appear fine in PC applications, but Mac relies on the positioning lookouts.

4- Do anchors created in Fontlab make their way into VOLT?

Many thanks

Ayat Numbers in Arabic fonts...


I want to know how we can type Ayat numbers and how to code them in volt... and what things are required...

Can anyone guess what this font name?


Can anyone please tell what is the font family used in this picture?

Thanks in advance.

Ayat Numbers in Quranic Fonts

Ayat Numbering in Quranic Fonts

Arabic web-font Mark feature bug in Safari



I've stumbled upon a bug in Safari (and webkit browsers) when using the Mark feature in web fonts,
As demonstrated by the screenshot, when a word has diacritics either on the beginning or the ending, the word space gets omitted.

I've tried my own fonts, and multiples fonts by other vendors but i get the same result, Only fonts that implement the Mark feature display the error.
Is anyone else facing the same problem?

Tested on Safari 6.0.5/osx 10.8.5

ar-mark-bug.png42.88 KB

Arabic Logo

Help! Font crashes applications when Arabic characters are needed.


I made a font recently and it worked fine. Then I decided to do the Arabic unicode block, then the Arabic presentations A and B.
Now that I generated the font, Word crashes (but not InDesign) when I copy an arabic text (from Wikipedia) and paste it in a document using my font. I used UnicodeView and the Character Map to see the font and it all works, except when selecting the Arabic block (0600 - 06FF). CharMap crashes and Unicode View fills the screen with error messages saying some dll crashed and a memory segment was violated, blah blah blah.

What intrigues me is the fact that Arabic Presentation Forms A and B (FB50-FDFF & FE70-FEFF respectively) do not generate this error. Also, when generating the font, FontLab Studio 5 does not warn of anything wrong and generation is successful.
Any ideas? I'm lost. Easiest thing to do is delete the arabic block, but I'd rather solve this error.

PS: I use InDesign CS6, so the text is backwards, so no use. (They say I need InDesign MENA but I won't buy it). My OS is Windows 7, 64b, latin america. My Office is MS Office 2013. Works great with arabic in every font, except mine. So, it IS my font.

Maryamsoft Arabic WebFonts

Latin Match


Hi Typophiles
Currently typesetting a poem which involves Arabic @ Latin typefaces.
Arabic has been chosen but still begging for a latin match.
Your help would be much appreciated.
Regards @ Thanks

JawiRumi.pdf43.32 KB

Simplified Arabic


Titus Nemeth's article titled "Simplified Arabic: a new form of Arabic type for hot metal composition" was recently published in "Typography papers 9."
This is an excellent review of the development of Simplified Arabic since its inception in the 1950's. It will be of interest to anyone concerned with the history of Arabic typeface design. It would be even more useful if some of the figure were published large enough to show the details of the typefaces featured. Perhaps, Reading or Nemeth could publish these images in high resolution on the Internet for those of us who desire to learn more.
I have one minor comment on the content of the article: An example of the typeface named "Simplified Arabic" is shown, but it is not identified by its name as such. Rather it is identified as Arial/Times New Roman Arabic. This font is indeed included as the Arabic component of these multiple language fonts, but its original name should have been used.
Typography papers is a journal published by Hyphen Press, London, and edited, designed, and prepared by the Department of Typography & Graphic Communication, University of Reading.
I purchased my copy from Amazon here:

Hinting Arabic?


Traditional Arabic fonts have stems and curves going all over the place, compared to Latin, where verticals and horizontals dominate. Hinting Latin - I think - relies on such uniformity, but what about Arabic? Will an Arabic font benefit from hinting? My font has outlines of identical thickness - does this help the hinting process? Any hints (!) suggestions and examples most welcome as I know very little in practice about this.

Arabic version


I'm working to extended my font to new alphabets, as arab, now is available, in latin, cyrillic.
But the arab is becoming one of the hardest steps of my work. Unlike the latin now I having problems to evaluate the space between the letters and the high of some of the glyphs.

I do not know the Arabic language, nor Russian.

Below are a few words written in Arabic, can you tell me if they are spelled correctly?

Thank you

Arab_s 2014-06-25 alle 12.22.36.png38.22 KB

Ramadan Mubarak!


Wishing all Muslims everywhere: Ramadan Mubarak!

what is the best way to kerning in Volt? dx? or width?



what is the best way to kerning in Volt? which value should I edit? dx? or width?


Qatar Airways - Aircraft Names



I am trying to do a repaint of different Qatar Airways' Boeing aircraft and each of these has got its own name. Being from Europe I am having a hard time getting those names written.

Can anyone help me getting the following name 'Alhuwalla' done properly, preferably as an AI vector file or something similiar? Does someone recognize the font or has a font which looks pretty similiar?

Here's an example image of what I am talking about:


If possible I'd like to ask for further names to be done.

Thanks for any help!

Best regards,

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