Channel: Typophile - Arabic Typography & Type Design
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Add dots (nuqta) to glyphs in VOLT. Need Help.



Somewhere on Typophile I read about adding dots (nuqta) to base glyph in VOLT.
This means instead of making glyphs for each combination of base glyph with dots in FontLab, you use VOLT to compose glyphs on the fly using a single base glyph.

This has something to do with CCMP feature.

I request anyone who has used this feature for the mentioned purpose to kindly share their experience.

Thanks and regards.

Generating Arabic fonts


hey guys i really need your help
- please find attached a screen capture (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15028632/Capture%20d%E2%80%99%C3%A9cran%20.png) of my indesign glyphes i think the glyphe of the the type of which I am currently working on it are not show un correctly, i dont know why ?
- when i try to write with type in textEdit it not working it mixes all the letters
- another question Generating Arabic fonts, i have really no idea about how ?
thank you so much for all of your help and kindness (I will never forget)

Generating Arabic fonts


hey guys i really need your help
- please find attached a screen capture (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15028632/Capture%20d%E2%80%99%C3%A9cran%20.png) of my indesign glyphes i think the glyphe of the the type of which I am currently working on it are not show un correctly, i dont know why ?
- when i try to write with type in textEdit it not working it mixes all the letters
- another question Generating Arabic fonts, i have really no idea about how ?
thank you so much for all of your help and kindness (I will never forget)

Generating Arabic fonts


hey guys i really need your help
- please find attached a screen capture of my indesign glyphes i think the glyphe of the the type of which I am currently working on it are not show un correctly, i dont know why ?
- when i try to write with type in textEdit it not working it mixes all the letters
- another question Generating Arabic fonts, i have really no idea about how ?
thank you so much for all of your help and kindness (I will never forget)

Homan Hallock's experimental Arabic


In 1864, the punchcutter Homan Hallock, who with Eli Smith was responsible for the admirable ‘American Arabic’ types that were used in the Van Dyck Bible translation, produced this experimental Arabic type. It may be the first attempt at systematic Arabic script reform, preceding the Cairo Academy initiative of 1933 by almost seventy years. It doesn't seem to have been employed, except in the single specimen sheet produced by Hallock.

Ahrar (Free we stay). New font released by Aratypo


We are proud "again" to introduce Ahrar (Free we stay!) a new font to reflect freedom in the Arab world:

The font is designed by Abdullah Aref (Egypt), Zakarya Saleh (Palestine).

Ahrar is available in OpenType and TrueType flavors.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information: aratypo [at] gmail . c-o-m

Download link:


Featuring Aratypo Aisha Diwanee…


We are finalizing a new Diwani font and we open this thread for discussion...

Samples from Aratypo Aisha Diwanee :

Please feel free to post any comment regarding this project...

Contact: aratypo [@] gmail. com

Designing a new font for Urdu Language


Dear Sir

I want to develop a new font of Urdu by using Calligraphic Samples of one of famous Calligrahper.
Can someone inform me step b step procedure.

I shall be very thankful

Rashid Shaikh

Which Arabic typeface matching with Baskerville Pro?



I am currently working on a project which involves setting 20 short texts in English and in Arabic.
The texts are printed on big panels (107x72cm) and the Arabic text will sit under the English text.
I am using Baskerville Pro (by Storm) and was wondering which Arabic font would match the typeface?

Your help would be much appreciated.


Burj Khalifa Shilia

Do you speak arabic


I am a novice font designer and want to design non latin fonts at some point or the other. I was wondering if you guys who design Arabic typefaces actually speak/understand Arabic( stupid question?). To put it in a better way, should I learn Arabic to typeset it? I did try searching this forum but i can not go back to previous discussion pages(forum is broken? The links are not loading).
If it's still not clear , i am talking about John Hudson(http://typophile.com/user/1262)

Arastix, a project that we need to do!


Dear all,

Since years, Arabic fonts used in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry for elementary - preparatory school's level are used locally in Arab countries.

However, Dr. Lazrak and his team (UCAM, Morocco) presented some interesting reviews for different used systems through the Arab World and, I think, they applied it to LaTex.

Currently, with STIX fonts arriving to good maturity, I think it is time to work on this project and we, @ Aratypo, welcome any person who would like to share with us thoughts and efforts in order to realize this font.

Thanking you in advance.

About STIX: http://www.stixfonts.org/

Preview: AbdoLine, a new font from Aratypo/AbdoFont


Our colleague Abdelsamieh Ragab just released a new collection of AbdoLine to be commercialized very soon...

Some comparison with other typefaces:

Comparison close-up:



eulogie after mention of mohammad


I am trying to add the following to a Text in InDesign. (see vector graphic).

I thought about creating a glyph out of it. Is that the way to do it?

I do not own a Font-Design software myself. Can anyone point me to either a font that has it already in its glyphs or help me out with a freeware software to use for this?


mohammed.png19.33 KB

Zuhair Albazi Naskh: The Best OpenType Arabic Naskh Font


Zuhair Albazi Naskh Font created specially looking at the needs of International Arab Publishers. A font containing marvelous Arabic Naskh beauty and unmatched features.

Here is a pdf file, containing Zuhair Albazi Naskh typeface samples, to check the printouts of the font at smaller, document level text size. The text pages contain Regular style as well as Bold style. The PDF is created from Microsoft Word 2010. Download link of the sample PDF file

For a detailed look on the font http://typophile.com/node/93945

spanish designer making arabic type style

Problem with lam alif issue


لَا لاَ it doesn't work with volt I followed every instruction I get this below result anyone knows why?

to sove the problem.PNG4.63 KB

Looking for font advice for Arabic version of logo


Hello Arabic font experts,

I am working on creating an Arabic version of an American corporate logo which uses "Helvetica Neue 85 Heavy". I found the font "Neue Helvetica® Arabic Bold", which matches stylistically. My question is...would this font be considered appropriate for a somewhat conservative corporate application, or is it considered a more modern face? I have been asked to show both a modern and a more traditional example.

From the small amount of research I have done on the subject, I have heard mention of Helvetica, Universe and Adobe Arabic under the more modern category and fonts such as Emiri, Karim, Amiri and Lotus in the more traditional realm? But since I am in unfamiliar territory, I thought I would reach out to the type community before proceeding any further.

I would love any modern vs. traditional recommendations that you guys may have, using Helvetica Neue 85 Heavy as a stylistic guideline.


Which font is this?

Islamic TV station: Please Critique!


Hello there. I know I already posted this in the "Logos / Corporate ID Design" section, but I will delete whichever gets feedback first because I thought it qualified for both. Ok, so this is a new logo for an Islamic TV station. The name in English is Qubaa (which is a reference to the first mosque built in Islam). After going through a number of different iterations, the client chose a Kufic script (like the one in the first image), which I fine-tuned into what became the fourth image. The client requested that I transform the first letter, the "qaf", into the Dome of the Rock, the Medinah mosque dome, as well as the Kaaba (in Makkah) respectively. The reason for this is because these three sites are the holiest in Islam. I abstracted them and added them instead of the first letter, but kept the two dots of the letter qaf above each symbol to retain a certain degree of legibility. I also changed the "alef" letter in the logo because it kind of looks like the mi'thanah (the tall structure you usually find in mosques). The point of these three versions, according to the client, is to have the logo change every 10-15 seconds when on-air. As far as Latin typography is concerned, I decided to go with H&FJ's Verlag (different treatments are in image 6).

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