Channel: Typophile - Arabic Typography & Type Design
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New - Classic Naskh Font - (Moshref-Naskh) - 2013


Dear all,

First of all, I like your community and the professional level which I noticed here around, then I would like to present my new and the first font which I developed using FontForge, and herewith I will attach some examples which I hope it will be enough to give you general idea about the font, so I will be so great full when I get your opinion, comments maybe also advises.

Thanks a lot.

Ali Moshref

The End.

Font lab & Fontographer


I'm a Arabic Sinoir Graphic Designer diong all kinds of logos mirroring all the english type face and logo using illustrator and font lab my problem I won't to study the font lab in all the arabic world no one can guid you to study this program I'm wondering if any one of you can help in this study font lab and fongrapher.

Any one can contact me at UAE 0097150 6399242 Hussein Al Rammal
My email: hussrammal@gmail.com
Huss_ rammal@yahoo.com

The Computer Language قلب


I came across this news item today:


It seems on-topic because of one specific characteristic of the language mentioned in the article:

By varying the lengths of the lines that connect the Arabic letters that make up the language's commands, Nasser can reshape the appearance of his code without altering its function, producing programs that are both practical and artistic.

The means by which that feature is implemented using ordinary Arabic typefaces, though, may clash with the use of more authentic Naksh typefaces which already have kashida.

Using Adobe Arabic as template! is it possible ?


Generating an Arabic font is really complicated process, i was thinking is it possible - or legal - to make it easier using Adobe Arabic font and its sample VOLT code??

* I mean changing all the glyph shapes in Fontlap.
* generating a .ttf file.
* opening it withe VOLT and import sample VOLT code provided by Thomas Phinney. then just making edits to it.

It's sound simple, but i don't know if this -so easy- method is bug-free or even legal!? what do guys think?

Welcome to the Typophile Arabic Typography & Type Design Group


This is the place to discuss anything and everything to do with making and using typefaces for Arabic, Persian, Urdu, and the many other languages that use variants of the Arab script. Use this forum to meet colleagues, discuss issues and ideas, and present your work. Forum topics include, but are not limited to, questions and advice related to the design or use of Arabic type, technical issues related to making Arabic fonts and resolving text encoding and display issues, announcements of events, exhibitions, etc., and links to Arabic typography on the Web.

We hope you will stay and participate. Please observe courtesy at all times. This is a community, so please help make it a pleasant and welcoming environment. Offensive or insulting comments will be brought to the attention of the Typophile moderators.

A guide to uploading graphics can be found here. Please note the only way to add a PDF is to edit the original thread and use the import options available.

Start a new thread and begin your discussion.

A Bowl with 2 fish

An open Type Unicode based Nastlique Font Project "Mher Nastalique"


Salam to All,

First of all I will Introduce myself. My Name is Muhmmad Zeeshan Nasar,I m a student at ICMAP Lahore, doing ACMA. Moreover I am also working on a project of a "Urdu Nastaleque Font" named "Mher Nastaleque Font" which is consist of my Father's "Nasrullah Mher" Calligraphy, who is a famous and Internationally award holder (In Urdu Nastalique) calligrapher of Pakistan.

Our Font is Open Type Character Based Unicode Font...consisting of about 900 characters and some ligatures.

Salient Features of This Font:.
* This font is 100% correct According to International Standards of Urdu Nastalique Calligraphy.
* This is character Based Open type Unicode Font, For Desktop and Web Publishing.
* Kasheeda (Tatweel) Feature is also available in this font!
* And so many others feautres!

Here you can see the Templates of this Font...!

Mher Urdu Naskh Font Project-An Open Type Unicode Font


I am also working on Project of an open type character based unicode Font, named "Mher Urdu Naskh Font", that has complete support of Urdu characters.
This font is consist of My fathers Calligraphy, and I had made this font with the complete consensus with my father. Who is a famous and Internationally award holder Calligrapher of Pakistan.

I made especial work for the Urdu Letter ے "Bari yeh". The letters ends on Bari Yeh are commonly not correctly typed in any font. I made work in this regard and in my font all words ending of Bari yeh are typed correctly. TIts Positioning, shape and dot/nuqta below placement is according to International standards of Naskh Calligraphy.

Now I working on kashida support for this font..
Some work of calligraphy is also pending in this font because I put most concentration of Volt work other than the shapes of characters, I tried to make this font as base for all other Urdu Fonts.

Here you can see the sample of my Naskh font.

quran arabic.jpg348 KB

Arabic and Persian font


Hello. I'm trying to source the font with which these logos were created.
If these don't exist, anything modern Arabic/Persian.

Could somebody also explain the difference between Persian and Arabic?

Thanks in advance.

VOLT problem with the shipped font (arabic font)


im trying to add Contextual Alternate feature to an Arabic font on Microsoft VOLT.
The font is shipping without any errors. However, the shipped font applies the marks differently then what i defined. plus the characters shift position either upwards or downwards, each set of glyphs behave differently.
N.B: everything seems perfect when i use the proofing tool to check if what ive done is right on VOLT

What is the problem? and how can i fix it?

An Interview With Nadine Chahine

Creating arabic fonts using font lab - (Ligatures) - help needed


Dears Typophilers,
I'm new in the typography design.
I did an arabic font with Fontographer 5 but I didn't finish because I need some help.

I need to know how I can create Open type standard ligatures feature with Fontographer 5, font lab or Volt.

or I need to know how I can create ligatures feature.. when I type some letters together the glyph replaces.. for example AL-JALALAH WORD (ALLAH), in some fonts if you type LAM LAM HAA it will have specific shape.

any tutorials, lessons or hints will be very helpful.


Arabic Classification?


Hi everyone, i am looking for information about Arabic Typeface Classification. Did it really exist? In analogy of Latin typeface classification such us Serif and Sans, Display and Text, Blacklatter, Whiteletter etc. Links are also accepted.


Terengganu International Islamic Arts Festival 2013

Mher Nastaliq Font pdf Sample

Calligraphy & Typography website

Ger Your Own Handwriting Transformed into Dynamic Win/Mac Font for free

Font Rendring spped too much slow... whats a solution...?



I am working on a an open type chracter based Urdu Unicode Nastaliq Font named 'Mher e nastaliq'. The problem is that the font rendring speed is too much slow, even when I type one line in my font the typing process becomes too much slow.. But when I starts a new paragraph, the first few words are typed correctly and then the same problem occures when i reached at the end of line... !

Please help me, and suggest me the solution to overcome this problem..!

I am using MS. Volt for making Open type tables, and my system specifications are as under:.
Core 2 due 3.0 GHZ processer 64 bit
Windows 8
4 GB ram

I needed your help urgently, please guide me in this regards..

Thanks in advance!
Muhammad Zeeshan Nasar

Kuwait Sixth International Forum for Islamic Art

Help: font encryption


Hi Friends
i have made a font, now i want to encrypt him, how can i encrypted.
any one can help me?

sorry for may poor english.

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