I'm currently working on the arabic block of my font and since I don't speak, read nor write arabic language(s), I suddently felt concerned about the design.
I know the way it is written and how glyphs join, etc., give meaning to the words and phrases but, if I take some liberties when drawing the glyphs, could it result in something offensive? Something that could enrage the people using that language? I feel worried about it, very very worried. I mean no disrespect. I never would! That's unthinkable to me! So, if I flatten a curve a little or round it a bit more for it to fit the general design of this font, could it result in something awful? Please help!
This is the first time I try to fill all the blocks of a font and my font has no 45° angles. No straight lines at 45° angles. So I round some segments a little, or straighten them. Could this be a problem for the nature of arabic calligraphy?
Thanks in advance.
Arabic glyphs offensive or disrespectful?