Hello Arabic font experts,
I am working on creating an Arabic version of an American corporate logo which uses "Helvetica Neue 85 Heavy". I found the font "Neue Helvetica® Arabic Bold", which matches stylistically. My question is...would this font be considered appropriate for a somewhat conservative corporate application, or is it considered a more modern face? I have been asked to show both a modern and a more traditional example.
From the small amount of research I have done on the subject, I have heard mention of Helvetica, Universe and Adobe Arabic under the more modern category and fonts such as Emiri, Karim, Amiri and Lotus in the more traditional realm? But since I am in unfamiliar territory, I thought I would reach out to the type community before proceeding any further.
I would love any modern vs. traditional recommendations that you guys may have, using Helvetica Neue 85 Heavy as a stylistic guideline.